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Serving hundreds of commercial properties across the Front Range

When it comes to commercial landscaping, it’s important to have a partner that you can trust to deliver beautiful, functional, and sustainable outdoor spaces. With decades of experience in the industry, we have the expertise and skills to bring your commercial landscaping vision to life. Whether you’re looking to create a welcoming entrance for your office building, a serene outdoor space for your employees to enjoy, or a functional outdoor area to boost your business’ bottom line, we’re here to help.

Commercial Landscaping Design Installation in Fort Collins, CO

The elements of commercial landscaping design

A well designed and maintained landscape has a significant impact on your commercial property. While enhancing curb appeal, it can also improve the property’s energy efficiency and reduce water usage through sustainable designs. Here are some of the core elements that we consider when designing/building commercial landscaping projects:

  • Site Analysis and Planning:Before we begin any commercial landscaping project, we conduct a thorough site analysis to determine the best course of action. This includes assessing the current landscape, analyzing soil and drainage, and identifying any potential challenges or opportunities. Once we have a clear understanding of the site, we develop a detailed plan that outlines the proposed design, materials, and installation schedule.
  • Design and Consultation: Our team of experienced landscape designers will work closely with you to create a custom landscape design that meets your specific needs for your property. We will take into account the unique features of your property, as well as your aesthetic preferences and goals for the space. We will also provide expert consultation on all aspects of the design, from selecting the right plants and materials to determining the most efficient irrigation and lighting systems.
  • Installation and Construction:Our skilled team will handle all aspects of the installation and construction process, from excavation and grading to planting, mulching, and installing hardscaping features. We use only the highest-quality materials and employ best practices for installation to ensure that your new commercial landscape will last for years to come.
  • Irrigation and Drainage: Proper irrigation and drainage are essential for the health and longevity of your commercial landscape. We offer a range of irrigation and drainage solutions to ensure that your landscape receives the right amount of water, without wasting resources or causing damage to your property.
Landscape Maintenance Services in Fort Collins, CO

Why Is Commercial Landscape Design & Installation Important?

A well-designed and well-maintained landscape can have a significant impact on a commercial property. A beautiful landscape can enhance the property’s curb appeal, which can attract customers and improve the property’s overall value. A landscape that is well-designed and well-maintained can also improve the property’s energy efficiency by providing shade, reducing the need for air conditioning, and reducing the heat island effect. Additionally, a landscape that is designed with sustainable practices in mind can help reduce water usage and improve the overall health of the environment.

Contact Us for Commercial Landscape and Design Installation

Transform your commercial property into a lush, inviting oasis with the expert services of Zak George Landscaping. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and bring your landscape design dreams to life. Let’s make your Fort Collins property stand out and leave a lasting impression on all who visit!

Contact Us Today for a Landscaping Estimate